Everlasting picnic
Everlasting picnic

Acrylic and oil on unstretched canvas, 4’x5’, 2020

Apart, a party
Apart, a party

Acrylic, spray paint, and oil on unstretched canvas, 3’ x 4’, 2020


Acrylic and oil on unstretched canvas, 55”x40”, 2020

When all this is all over
When all this is all over

Acrylic and oil on unstretched canvas, 35”x45”, 2020

The future burns half bright
The future burns half bright

Dye, acrylic, and oil on unstretched canvas, 75”x75”, 2021

How could I ever apologize to all the bugs I've killed?
How could I ever apologize to all the bugs I've killed?

Acrylic and oil on canvas, 3’x4’, 2020

Everlasting picnic
Apart, a party
When all this is all over
The future burns half bright
How could I ever apologize to all the bugs I've killed?
Everlasting picnic

Acrylic and oil on unstretched canvas, 4’x5’, 2020

Apart, a party

Acrylic, spray paint, and oil on unstretched canvas, 3’ x 4’, 2020


Acrylic and oil on unstretched canvas, 55”x40”, 2020

When all this is all over

Acrylic and oil on unstretched canvas, 35”x45”, 2020

The future burns half bright

Dye, acrylic, and oil on unstretched canvas, 75”x75”, 2021

How could I ever apologize to all the bugs I've killed?

Acrylic and oil on canvas, 3’x4’, 2020

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